MovieSub The Godfather Download

MovieSub The Godfather Download Rated 7.7 / 10 based on 321 reviews.

The Godfather MovieSub






Release date: 1972 / creator: Mario Puzo / genre: Drama / Directors: Francis Ford Coppola / 175Min / 1537292 Vote. I guess this time it"s leave the gun, forget the cannoli. Chinese food and cokes. not a lot has changed since then... The original Order 66. For everyone asking why there was no retaliation. It"s because once the 4 heads of the families are dead, there would be a internal war in each family as to who assumes power now. By the time each family gets stable again, they"ll seek revenge (which Michael knew) so he planned on expanding his business and became so powerful that only a few people (like Hyman Roth) way beyond the NYC families) could even touch him.

Jesus clemenze"s hands looks he just cleaned up the engine of a car. Love the blame some of the people in this room, implying Vito knows it"s not just Tattaglia behind everything. Also unsettles the others so they don"t betray him. Dont mess with the Corleone. What"s particularly amazing about the first scene is the editing. Only 19 cuts in the entire scene; only 7 paragraphs, including the final line; and only two cameras, the first moving into Tom, the second into Michael. 0:00 Camera A. 1:09 Camera B. Do me a favor. 1:16 / 1:19 shot/reverse} 1:22 Camera A. It can"t wait (This is the track: 82 seconds long! 2:44 / 2:48 / 2:51 / 2:52 / 2:54 reaction shots 2:56 Camera B. What"re you gonna do. 3:05 Camera A. You shoot them a mile away. 3:07 Camera B. Ba-da-bing. 3:19 Camera A. Tom CU Come on, Mikey. 3:22 Camera B. Tom, wait a minute. 3:29 Camera A. Tom. 3:33 Camera B. Michael. 3:36 Camera A. Tom Don"t we, Tom. 3:39 Camera B. Michael They might like a story like that. 3:40 Camera A. Tom They might. 3:43 Camera B. Michael It"s not personal, Sonny; it"s strictly business.

This day( 3.4.) is day when Marlon Brando"s born. The priest looks like a you Paulie Walnuts... Lol i understand that. i just felt like quoting workaholics. Almost as good as Modern Familys version. Juxtaposition.

This scene shows Marco Polo forgot to bring chop sticks back to Italy

Some lists have Citizen Kane as the best American film ever made. Others. Have The Godfather it can”t be settled. This movie is truly a classic, not for the action mind you for there are a lot of movies around with this kind of action in it. But none have the mind biting dialogue in them. This movie is like eating a chocolate cake. One bite and your hooked, truly I must say this is a great film, the cast is brilliant. I loved Marlon Brando as the godfather but I think Al Pacino and James Caan did wonderful jobs as well I definitely recommend this to anyone who loves mafia films, it"s truly one of a kind I would also like to point out that James caan still has it that kind of Mafia mojo of course it was used really well in Micky Blue eyes which just happens to be the funniest Mafia film I have ever seen.

03:38 Awkward moment for the black people at the cinema. I can"t even imagine how powerful he is. For those that don not like this, please go sleep with the fishes. Clemenza really pulls off that ever so slightly unkempt look. Mention it, don"t insist- Wise words from don Vito. Bonasera: I didn"t want to get into trouble. Don Corleone: I understand. You found paradise in America, you had a good trade, you made a good living. The police protected you and there were courts of law. And you didn"t need a friend like me. But uh, now you come to me and you say. Don Corleone, give me justice." But you don"t ask with respect. You don"t offer friendship. You don"t even think to call me Godfather. Instead, you come into my house on the day my daughter is to be married, and you ask me to do murder for money. Bonasera: I ask for justice. Don Corleone: That is not justice. Your daughter is still alive. Bonasera: Let them suffer then, as she suffers. How much shall I pay you? Don Corleone: Bonasera, Bonasera. What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you"d come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you. Bonasera: Be my friend. Godfather.

James Cann shuts the cigar box and says we will wait at the sometime,its all planned. Brilliant
